Sunday, October 18, 2015

Midterm Review: Self evaluation

Reviewing myself, I find that I am doing ok in class.

For the Blog I think I do decent post once a week, and answer the weekly posts well. If anything had to change it would to either be more in depth or do an extra post a week to compensate.

The two quick pieces at the beginning of the semester was fun, and may become something I explore more in the future.

For the new technique/material test, I had enjoyed the texture I could get, and how the watercolor looked different on the spackle versus on the paper.

For the main work in class, with the large 3-panel comic and comic cover, I know I work really slow, because of both planning, and application, and I have a desire to try to work somewhat large, and perhaps in a later project I can do multiple small projects. I can most probably say that in part it is that I am taking 5 art classes at the same time.

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