Monday, November 16, 2015

Kim Young-Hun

Kim is a Korean artist that does psychedelic landscapes, which reminds reminds me of a modern abstraction of traditional Korean landscapes.

I like his use of color, that there is thought into how much a color shows up and that he has repetitive imagery in how he creates his mountains, and water. I also like the mix of the sharp angles of the mountain against the organic shapes of the clouds and water like imagery.If I had any critique, it would be that a repeating pattern, as 1317, does not work as an open space and feels enclosed and flatter compared to the other two. 

I would love to use the repetitivity of an imagery in a single work and through out his series, to get across ideas and recognition of his work.

Cloud Map p1414, 2014
Cloud Map p1315r, 2013
Cloud Map p1317, 2013

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